Commit To Happiness Daily
Commit to happiness daily and your life will improve. This is one of the six steps in our happiness plan. As a reminder, here they all are:
Purpose Statement. I believe that having a purpose helps place us on the road to happiness.
Happiness Audit. We can’t know if we are happy until we know what makes us happy. The happiness audit will fill in the blanks for us.
Commit To Happiness Daily. Every morning, make the commitment to yourself that you will do something that makes you happy.
Be Grateful. To me, more than anything else on this list, gratitude is the path to happiness.
Be Mindful. If you live on auto-pilot, you often miss out on the best moments of your life. By being mindful, you become aware of the moments in your day. And, remember, we are only guaranteed this moment.
Be A Good Friend. A lot of research points to the tie between happiness and close, personal connections. But to have a good friend, you must first be one.
Happiness is your decision.
You decide to be happy or not. No one else, no outside influence controls your level of happiness. It is all in the way you choose to view life. And what you choose affects your performance in all areas of your life. That is why it is so important to…