Do This One Thing To Have A Creative 2021

Harry Hoover
2 min readJan 13, 2021

Do you make resolutions each year only to break them, or forget about them by February? I’m starting to use The Five-Minute Journal this year as a way to refocus and grow my writing business. That’s my one thing.

This year, I’d like you to resolve to do one thing and one thing only: begin thinking more creatively.

If you do this, then you’ll be able to figure out how to accomplish all the goals on your list in later years. You are creative, but you may not believe it. Or, you just may not be using your God-given creative talent. Creativity can be exhibited in many ways from painting to baking and from playing guitar to developing brands.

In 1999, I picked up a book that changed the way I think — and subsequently — changed my life for the better.

I have always been a fan of Leonardo da Vinci, so when I saw Michael Gelb’s book, How To Think Like Leonardo da Vinci, I bought it. This book lays out da Vinci’s seven principles: Curiosita, Dimonstrazione, Sensazione, Sfumato, Arte/Scienza, Corporalita, and Connessione. Gelb takes each of these principles and provides exercises to help you incorporate them into your life.

The one thing that had the most profound impact on me was Gelb’s power question: what one thing could I stop doing, start doing or do differently today that…



Harry Hoover
Harry Hoover

Written by Harry Hoover

Harry is the author of Get Glad: Your Practical Guide To A Happier Life, Moving to Charlotte: The Un-Tourist Guide, Born Creative, & The Dad’s Book of Jokes.

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