Member-only story
Make Your Belief A Reality
Belief is a powerful thing. You hear it all the time from positive thinking aficionados. They tell you that you must believe in yourself, and then you can do anything. They’ll point to highly successful people like Mark Cuban or Michael Jordan as illustrations.
What they don’t tell you about is the hours of practice Jordan spent on improving his skills and developing a plan so he could achieve great things. Or the times Cuban failed but kept tweaking his ideas until he found the right formula.
Belief, as Roosevelt said, gets you halfway there. But what gets you the rest of the way there?
Belief Alone Doesn’t Feed The Family
I decided in 2000 to start my first business, primarily because I was tired of spending at least two hours in the car each day and missing my children growing up.
But I didn’t just blithely leave my very good job and hope for the best. I knew that I must develop a plan to achieve it. It took several months of thinking, planning and believing but I was able to successfully launch my first company in 2001. Reread that last sentence and pay attention to these three elements: thinking, planning and believing. I believed, but positive thinking alone doesn’t put food on the table. Positive thinking is highly motivational, but at some point you have to take…