The Only Gratitude List You Will Ever Need
Cicero was right about gratitude. That’s why today we are providing you with the only gratitude list you will ever need.
Did you know that gratitude — like Wellbutrin and Prozac — affect the neurotransmitters in the brain that control happiness? I don’t know about you, but I’ll take gratitude instead of a pill.
There’s plenty for which to be grateful. We have you covered the next time you can’t think of something for which to be grateful.
Your assignment: in the comment section below, supply the reason you are grateful for at least 3 of these items on our gratitude list.
Your Gratitude List
- Acceptance
- Accountability
- Afternoon
- Age
- Air
- Airplanes
- Ale
- Animals
- Antibiotics
- Apologies
- Appetizers
- Apples
- Arms
- Art
- Artists
- Audiobooks
- Aunts
- Authors
- Automobiles
- Autumn
- Babies
- Bach
- Bacon
- Bands
- Bananas
- Banks
- Barbecue
- Basics
- Baths
- Beaches
- Beauty
- Beds
- Beer
- Beethoven
- Beginnings
- Bells
- Birds
- Blogs
- Blood
- Blueberries
- Blues
- Boats
- Bodies
- Bones
- Books
- Boxes
- Boys
- Bread
- Brothers
- Buying
- Candles
- Candy
- Cake
- Caring
- Caribbean
- Cars
- Cats
- Chairs
- Change
- Charities
- Cheese
- Children
- Chocolate
- Choice
- Christmas
- City
- Clapton
- Class
- Climbing
- Clouds
- Coasts
- Cocktails
- Coffee
- Color
- Coloring
- Comedy
- Comfort
- Compassion
- Compliments
- Computers
- Concerts
- Connections
- Cookies
- Cooking
- Coolness
- Cotton
- Country
- Courage
- Cousins
- Cows
- Creativity
- Crowds
- Crying
- Dad
- Dance
- Daughters
- Daylight
- Death
- Decks
- Deer
- Deity
- Diamonds
- Disappointment
- Doctors
- Dogs
- Dollars
- Doors
- Doughnuts
- Dreams
- Drinks
- Driving
- Ears
- Earth
- Electricity
- Emotions
- Encouragement
- Endings
- Enemies
- Energy
- English
- Equality
- Evening
- Exercise
- Eyeglasses
- Eyes
- Face
- Failure
- Faith
- Fall
- Family
- Farmers
- Father
- Fears
- Feet
- Fiction
- Figs
- Fingers
- Finishing
- Fire
- Fireplaces
- Fish
- Fitness
- Flight
- Floor
- Flowers
- Food
- Forest
- Free
- Freedom
- Friend
- Fruit
- Fun
- Funerals
- Future
- Games
- Gardens
- Gasoline
- Gelato
- Generosity
- Gifts
- Gingerbread
- Gladness
- Glass
- God
- Gold
- Government
- Grandchildren
- Grandparents
- Grass
- Gratitude
- Grilling
- Guns
- Hair
- Hamburgers
- Hands
- Happiness
- Hate
- Head
- Headphones
- Health
- Hearing
- Heart
- Heartbreak
- Heat
- Help
- Hiking
- Hills
- History
- Holidays
- Home
- Honesty
- Hope
- Horse
- Houses
- Hugs
- Humans
- Husbands
- Ice
- Ideas
- Imagination
- Independence
- Industry
- Insects
- Inspiration
- Instruments
- Intelligence
- Inventions
- Investments
- Iron
- Islands
- Jeans
- Jewelry
- Jobs
- Jokes
- Joy
- Jumping
- Kayaking
- Keys
- Kindness
- Kisses
- Ladies
- Lakes
- Land
- Language
- Laughter
- Law
- Learning
- Legs
- Lemons
- Libraries
- Life
- Light
- Limes
- Living
- Love
- Machines
- Magic
- Man
- Maps
- Markets
- Marriage
- Massages
- Meat
- Medicine
- Melodies
- Memories
- Metal
- Milk
- Minds
- Mist
- Mistakes
- Money
- Moon
- Moonrise
- Morning
- Mother
- Mountains
- Mouths
- Movies
- Music
- Names
- Nations
- Nature
- Networking
- New
- Night
- Noon
- Noses
- Novels
- Numbers
- Oceans
- Oil
- Old Dogs
- Operations
- Opportunities
- Opposites
- Oranges
- Organs
- Outdoors
- Ownership
- Oxygen
- Pain
- Paint
- Paintings
- Paper
- Parents
- Parks
- Party
- Passion
- Past
- Patios
- Patterns
- Peaces
- Peaches
- People
- Perfection
- Pets
- Phones
- Photographs
- Pictures
- Pie
- Pillows
- Pizza
- Planes
- Planets
- Plans
- Plants
- Play
- Poems
- Poor
- Ports
- Possibilities
- Power
- Practice
- Precipitation
- Preparation
- Present
- Pretty
- Produce
- Property
- Prosperity
- Protection
- Providence
- Provisions
- Puppies
- Questions
- Quiet
- Quotations
- Racing
- Radio
- Rails
- Rain
- Rainbows
- Raspberries
- Readiness
- Reading
- Reality
- Reason
- Religion
- Rent
- Respect
- Restaurants
- Results
- Riches
- Rings
- Roads
- Rock
- Room
- Root
- Roll
- Rose
- Round
- Rum
- Running
- Safety
- Sails
- Salt
- Sand
- Saturdays
- Savings
- School
- Scents
- Science
- Seas
- Seasonings
- Seasons
- Searching
- Seeds
- Self
- Sell
- Senses
- Serenity
- Sex
- Shapes
- Sharing
- Sharpness
- Shells
- Shine
- Ships
- Shoes
- Shop
- Shore
- Showers
- Siblings
- Sight
- Silence
- Silver
- Simplicity
- Singing
- Sisters
- Skills
- Skin
- Sleep
- Smell
- Smiles
- Snow
- Softness
- Soil
- Soldier
- Songs
- Sons
- Sounds
- Spaghetti
- Speech
- Speed
- Spelling
- Spokes
- Spring
- Square
- Stars
- Starting
- States
- Steaks
- Steam
- Steel
- Steps
- Stones
- Stops
- Stores
- Stories
- Strangers
- Strawberries
- Streams
- Streets
- Strength
- String
- Students
- Study
- Subtraction
- Success
- Sugar
- Summer
- Sun
- Sundays
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Surprise
- Swimming
- Tables
- Talking
- Taste
- Teachers
- Teaching
- Teamwork
- Tears
- Technology
- Teeth
- Thankfulness
- Thanksgiving
- Thinking
- Time
- Tires
- Today
- Tomorrow
- Touch
- Towns
- Trade
- Traditions
- Trains
- Travel
- Trees
- Trucks
- Understanding
- Underwear
- Vacations
- Valleys
- Views
- Villages
- Vineyards
- Visits
- Voices
- Waiting
- Walking
- Water
- Waves
- Wealth
- Weather
- Weekends
- Weights
- Wife
- Will
- Wind
- Window
- Wine
- Wineries
- Wings
- Winter
- Wishes
- Wives
- Women
- Words
- Work
- Writers
- Writing
- Yes
- Yesterday
- Yourself
- Youth
- Zippers
Do you have anything to add to the gratitude list?