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Time Speaks Louder Than Words
Time speaks louder than words. My friend, Max, got me thinking about this the other day. He was discussing someone in his life who chooses work or going out with other friends over him. Time is our most precious currency. It is the currency of life. So, how you spend it shows what is important to you.
You can insist that your family and friends are the most important thing in your life, but if are always choosing to spend your life currency on something besides them, your actions tell me everything I need to know.
“Time = Life. Waste your time and waste your life, or master your time and master your life.” Alan Lakein
A friend of mine is always ditching me for work despite making plans sometimes as much as several months in advance. I told him that his job won’t show up for his funeral. And, if he keeps choosing work over relationships, no one else will either. I used to be the one who pushed to connect. Now, the onus is on him. It’s no longer worth it to spend my precious currency on him.
And, I’m sure you know someone who truly believes he is spending time with you but is checking social media instead.
Time — I believe — is the greatest gift. When you spend it with someone, you have given them a piece of your life that…